As of today, we are using DevOps for software automation and deployment process. According to proceeding generations, we have acquired lots of updates and advancements in the software industry.
we have taken innumerable kinds of steps for the processing value of software works and at least time duration for software performances. Now, Today, we are going to discuss about the most interesting platform which is utilized and applicable around all software organizations, weather it is small or huge. And That is git, about git commands and the uses phase where is applicable and at which part, it is more suitable or favorable. So, let’s start with the topic.
What are git commands?
Usually, we have some state of definition and normal level of information regarding the git command. so, what are git commands? Git command is a distributed version control system for tracking the enhance in the set of files. They had originally developed for the making coordination among programmers who were generating source code during software development process.
Uses of git commands
Now, Let’s come to the part of git commands where and how do we use it? we apply numerable kinds of git commands for tracking and finding changes among the file and we use them continuously in IT sectors for fast work and process outcomes of software. I want to put some light on the number of git commands and their uses from my point of view:

git clone – This is the most usual command, we use to clone a git repository from a remote server or github to a local workspace where you have put the selected space.

git status – This is a most regular or informative command that we apply to enhance the current status of the branch and to know the state of changes i.e. Modified, Staged, or Committed State where you have modified, staged, or committed the file.
git log – Generally, we apply this command in the context of seeing the last ‘N’ git commits on the branch.

git remote – This is a simple and evaluate command option for applying to set and check the remote server e.g. github.

git push – This command we always use to push all working files or change files to a destination repository where you have put your own remote server or Github.

git commit – This command is always used before the push command to check what changes are done to the local branch which had cloned through git clone.

git add – This command is always used to add the changes from a Modified state (i.e.from local workspace) to a Staged state (i.e. to a remote server or github.

git restore – This command is generally used to restore the files in the original state by discarding all the changes or taking changes file from a Staged state to a Modified state.