Nowadays, in the trending world how technologies are rising and emerging in society, and what situations they are facing? Basically, I want to elaborate upon the featuring methods of website making.
Through this title, I want to express my views on the HTML language. In this how can you
make and manage your website structure and design? I will explain you in the forward subtitles.
What is Html?
As you know the childhood periods of secondary schools. The topic is very similar to your past decades but I have just polished my way of understanding. The question raised is what is HTML? So, basically, Html is a standard markup language and it is used to create web pages, it also describes the web page structure and consists of a series of elements. It also depicts the browser on how to display the content of the Html. It includes label pieces of content such as this is a heading, this is a paragraph, this is a link, etc.

What are the advantages of Html?
By using Html, several kinds of benefits are associated with Html language. Before or after, what will be the consequences but under my assistance and support what will do a favor in that? Some of the listings are as follows:

• Html is simple and easy to use.
• Html gives basic structure for web development.
• Html is easy to migrate.
• Html is applicable to all basic programming languages.
• Html is movable for all browsers.
• Html is simple to run and edit.
• Html is search engine friendly for websites.
• Html is very applicable and free to use.
• Html is an ideal platform for the coding and development process.
What are elements in Html?
Now come to the next point, what about the elements, and how many sorts of elements in html? Before going to start, we shall discuss about elements.
Where is the place in Html? The first thing is that you utilize the materials or heading, paragraph, and subject matter inside the html body tag (<body>———-</body>). You may easily call it elements of html. There are six types of html elements and their name such as void elements (for ex: base, img, inputs, link, meta, source, etc.), template elements (for ex: template), raw text elements (for ex: style, script), escapable raw text element (for ex: title, & textarea), foreign elements (for ex: SVG namespace, and MathML namespace ), and normal elements ( for ex: heading tags, paragraph tags, horizontal ruler tag, and anchor tags).

How can we use tags in Html?
Literally, the most prominent part of html is html tag. Where it is applicable and uses in html? You know numerable kinds of tags, we apply for the web documents and coding. With different-different html tags, we manages websites, themes, and projects format.
The one real thing is without these html tags, we can’t predict text, content, subjects, and web documents. There is innumerable ways to implement these tags in html coding and authenticate content matter. Either, it is a valuable or a simpler kind of website. This html tag gives great subjects and real content to their websites with proper documentation. There are many use cases and forms of tags for using it. Some of the tags name as html tag (<html>…..</html>), title tag (<title>…</title>), head tag (<head>…..</head>), body tag (<body>……</body>), heading tag (<h1>…..</h1>), paragraph tag (<p>……</p>), a link tag(<a>….</a>), an image tag (<img>), div tag(<div>…..</div>), and span tag(<span>….</span>).

Attributes in Html.
The last and the most integral part of Html is attributes, you can say that html elements can have attributes. What are the attributes of work and functionality performed by it? You might call that additional information about elements is provided through attributes. Always attribute tag is specified in the start tag, it comes in name/value pairs like name:”value”. There are the following types of attributes in html and their name as href attribute which comes under a link tag, src attribute which comes under image tag, height and width attribute which comes under image tag, alt attribute which also comes under image tag, style attribute which comes under the elements of html and it describes about the font, color, size and more. Lang attribute which comes under the html tag and describes about the language of html documents and title attribute which comes under the elements of html like you may apply in paragraph and heading tags.