Suppose, you are working on a PHP form on the basis of crud operation and continuously you’re updating your data table but all data values are retrieving instead of the details form option. when you’re clicking on the edit button, it shows the outcomes as I have mentioned on the below image:

So, you’re putting a details option under the textarea tag in such a manner that I have mentioned on the below code so, you’re going in the wrong path. you need to correct it and assign the detail value between the textarea opening and closing tag.
<label for="details"><b>Details</b></label>
<textarea class="form-control" placeholder="write a details about wish..." name="details" id="details" value="<?php if(isset($row['details'])){ echo $row['details'];} ?>"></textarea>
if you will apply the below-mentioned code on your PHP form. it will really work for you and it also works for me. I will give you an assurance that you will definitely get your results or outcomes.
<label for="details"><b>Details</b></label>
<textarea class="form-control" placeholder="write a details about wish..." name="details" id="details" ><?php if(isset($row['details'])){ echo $row['details'];} ?></textarea>