Today, we are going to discuss on powerful programming language about PHP. you would have heard about lots of tools and programming languages and their different working skills and functions. According to their design capabilities and automotive skills, they perform a widely range of functions with a lot of outcomes. Now, let’s start with the several topics.
What is PHP?
Let’s come to the point, what about PHP? so, PHP is an open-source scripting and server-side programming language that is especially suited for dynamic and interactive web pages. It can be also embedded into Html. If you have no idea about server-side programming language then I will provide you a brief knowledge on whom call we server-side programming language. That execution is in server side. First, there is server side and client side. when in your browser, you write the name of the website. Actually, you are a client, anything browser you have like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and many more is your client. Any website, you want to open for that website you send a request. Where websites sends their request, we call them server. That language execution happens on the server side, which means those codes execute, it happens on the server side. we call him server-side programming. Those programming language executions on the server side, we call that server-side programming.
- PHP stands for Hypertext preprocessor but we originally call him personal home page. It was created by Ramsum Lerdorf in the year 1994
- It runs on various platforms like windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, etc.
- It is compatible with almost all servers apache, IIS, etc.
- At present, we’re using the 2017 Php 7.2.0 latest version of PHP.
- Whenever you will save a PHP file. you will save with.php an extension.
What we can do with PHP?
We all have understood PHP. Now, what things we can do with PHP?
- Generate Dynamic page: Along with PHP, we can create dynamic web pages.
- Handle button clicks, radio button: Through the handle and radio button, you can handle the events of PHP.
- Create Database application: You can create a database application through PHP.
- Client/server Application: You can also create client/ server applications.
- Student Registration: You can create a student registration application.
- Online course: You may create an online course web application also.
- Online shopping cart: You can create online shopping websites like Flipkart, eBay, and Amazon through PHP.
- Chat Rooms: we can create chat rooms through PHP.
How does it work?
It is not so important topic to know but as a developer, you need to know how it works. Anyhow you can understand it. Have a client, I have already discussed on this topic. A client sends a request to the website or works as a visitor to the website. Client, you may say an individual or that computer in which the web browser is using. Suppose, there is a client and a server where your developed websites & web applications exist and are stored. Actually, when we develop a website so, we purchase web hosting for this from big rock, GoDaddy, etc, and many other companies from there we purchase storage like 10GB, & 20GB, and many others purchase unlimited storage from there.

In that storage, any PHP developed, Html, CSS, images, and audio files so, to that all files, we go to save in storage. Why do we need to do so or why do we need to store it in a web server? because the web server will be active for 24 hrs. During this time, your client will be able to send
requests through the internet, and at the same time, their corresponding web server will give response to them. we can’t be active until 24 hrs so, we purchase storage or take a space on rent from a web hosting company and there we keep all that files and folders. In response, they provide us with 24 hrs online website.